D Link Dwa 132 Linux Driver

Posted on  by  admin

Recently I built new PC with Ubuntu OS 14.04 (64bit). I noticed the D-Link Wireless N Nano USB Adapter doesn't get detected and installed automatically.

Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter.

Following are the adapter specifications:

  1. Ok, I am new to Linux. I have a dual-boot desktop with Windows 7 and Ubuntu. Problem: Linux does not recognize my D-Link DWA-131 Wireless N USB Adapter.
  2. DWA-130 on a linux ubuntu. Rev C has Linux driver from D-Link. Obtain drivers from D-Link. DWA-130 > DWA-130 on a linux ubuntu.
  • Model No: DWA-131
  • Hardware Version : E1
  • Firmware Version : 5.00

How to install this wireless adapter?

Amol Gangadhar NaikAmol Gangadhar Naik

3 Answers

I added a driver for this adapter to PPA. It can be installed by running:


Openremotebasekey credentials. Here's exactly what and where you have to edit:

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  • Download the source of the DWA-131 (version E1) Linux driver.

  • Extract your source and go to /20140812_rtl8192EU_linux_v4.3.1.1_11320/os_dep/linux/.

  • Edit the os_intfs.c file.

  • Search for the following line: DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_info and change


    You have to actually insert this: //ed, 20150426 //

  • Then write the file and do:

    1. make
    2. make install
  • I also did the following:

    (Please note that the build-essential package is already installed on the machine. You'll have to apt-get install it if you want to be able to make and make install anything on the machine.)

Hope this helps make the process clearer. Thanks to the first author for the files to modify.

Fabrice Clerc

Fabrice ClercFabrice Clerc

This way is working on my desktop (x86_64, ubuntu 14.04, kernel 3.13.0-49-generic). For your reference.

  1. Download the source of the DWA-131 (ver:E1) linux driver.
  2. Extract the zip file (DWA-131_Linux_driver_v4.3.1.1.zip)
  3. Modify two lines (//ed, 20150426 //..) in the rtw_ndev_notifier_call() function, file name os_intfs.c.

  4. compile the codes. (refer to readme.txt in the downloaded package)

  5. install the driver


protected by CommunitySep 27 '15 at 23:05

D Link Dwa 132 Linux DriverD

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Download for DWA-132

Product Overview:


Publish DateLanguageVersionDownload
Modifications and Bug Fixes'- Driver for WinXP/ Vista/ 7 (32/64bits)
- Support windows 8 '
Publish DateLanguageVersionDownload
Modifications and Bug Fixes'- For Mac OS 10.7
- Support Linux kernel 3.2.xversions,distribution verified Fedora 16 and Ubuntu 12.04.'
Publish DateLanguageVersionDownload
Modifications and Bug Fixes'-For Mac OS 10.6
-Support Linux kernel 3.2.xversions,distribution verified Fedora 16 and Ubuntu 12.04.'
Publish DateLanguageVersionDownload
Modifications and Bug FixesDriver for WinXP/ Vista/ 7 (32/64bits)
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