How To Install Hysys 3.2 On Windows 7 64 Bit

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I've been using AV 3.2 as copied version from an already existing installation in both Win 7 32 and 64 as well as on Win 8.1 on av PC as well as on a tablet.

  1. Arcview 3.2 On Windows 7
  2. How To Install Hysys 3.2 On Windows 7 64 Bit

I have Windows Vista 64.

I have some projects requiring Python 2.7.3 64 bit and others requiring Python 2.7.3 32 bit (because some extensions do not work in 64 bit).

How do I prevent the Python 2.7.3 MSI installer (32 or 64 bot) from deleting the other version.

Side by side worked for me with Python 2.7.2 without problems.

Ruediger JungbeckRuediger Jungbeck

3 Answers

This appears to be working for me on Windows 7 64 bit. Choose one version to be your default installation, e.g. 64 bit, and install it first. Before doing anything else install the other version.

Specify a different installation directory and in the Customize Python 2.7.3 screen select Register Extensions and select Entire feature will be unavailable.

Nicola MusattiNicola Musatti

You can generally install multiple Python Version side by side. When installing in Windows, apart from file installation, registry is also updated so that any subsequent package/tools installation can enumerate all the Python Installation in the current m/c.Only problem happens if the installation is for the same version but different bitness.As because, the registry Path SOFTWAREPythonPythoncore does not differentiates with the bitness and bug-fix, you would end up overlaying the InstallPath and PythonPath if you are installation same version with different bug-fix or different bitness.


  • Install two different Versions for different bitness.
  • Prepare a script to update the registry key each time you want to switch between the bitness. I happened to stumble upon a simple similar script in effbot which does the Job.


As Ruediger Jungbeck pointed out that he can see two different registry keys, I suddenly recollected an important change post Vista. On a 64 bit system in order to enable accessing the registry keys from 32 bit and 64 bit application, Windows splits the registry at important nodes. For 64 bit applications, its the native registry path but for 32 bit applications its the WoW6432Node. Visual logic software. So when running a 32 bit Version of PythonToolsextension, it will only see the Wow6432Node. 64 bit applications will only see the native node. There are APIs to access the cross bitness nodes but that is outside the scope of this question. So to summarize, windows intelligently handles 32 and 64 bit applications by splitting the node which will allow 32 bit extensions to transparently access the 32 bit Python Installation.


While installing 2nd python, for Register Extensions select 'Entire feature will be unavailable' option.Python 64 Installation path will be in registry 'HKLM:SOFTWAREPythonPythonCore2.7InstallPath'

Python 64 bit PythonPath will be in 'HKLM:SOFTWAREPythonPythonCore2.7PythonPath'

Python 32 Installation path will be in registry'HKLM:SOFTWAREWow6432NodePythonPythonCore2.7InstallPath'

Python 32 bit PythonPath will be in 'HKLM:SOFTWAREWow6432NodePythonPythonCore2.7PythonPath'

Shiva PrasadShiva Prasad

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Arcview 3.2 On Windows 7

I am new to mongodb and not getting how to install it since i dint find videos or any helpful resources to achieve the same. Please help me for installing mongodb on windows 7 with the exact steps. I tried downloading recent version of mongodb from the site and its unsuccessful. Thanks in adcance.



How to install hysys 3.2 on windows 7 64 bit

3 Answers


  1. Download MongoDB this link link.
  2. Review MongoDB folder.
    In MongoDB, it contains only executable files 10 Plus(exe) in the bin folder. This is true, and That are the required files to MongoDB, it's really hard to believe for a developer like me Who eats from a relation database background.

  3. Configuration File
    Create a MongoDB config file, it’s just a text file, for example C:mongodbmongo.config:

  4. Run MongoDB server
    Use mongod.exe --config C:mongodbmongo.config to start MongoDB server.

    All output going to: C:mongodblogmongo.log

  5. Connect to MongoDB
    Uses mongo.exe to connect to the started MongoDB server.

    C:mongodbbin>mongoMongoDB shell version: 2.2.3connecting to: test

    Download lagu petra sihombing mine versi indonesia. //mongodb shell

  6. MongoDB as Windows Service
    Add MongoDB as Windows Service, so that MongoDB will start automatically following each system restart.Install as Windows Service with --install.

    A Windows service named “MongoDB” is created.

    To start MongoDB Service:

    To stop MongoDB Service

    To remove MongoDB Service

Anuraj MahajanAnuraj Mahajan
  1. firstly you downloaded mongodb from here :
  2. you unzip the folder in your directory example C:.MongoDB
  3. you open the command prompt ( demarrer>Invite commande)
  4. you go to your folder where the bin is and you write this on your command prompt : cd c:.mongodbbin
  5. then you have to specifies the directory where you want to put the data, you can create a folder called : MongoData, and you whrite on your command prompt: Mongod --dbpath C:.MongoData

How To Install Hysys 3.2 On Windows 7 64 Bit

For mongoDB 4.x, I got installation hung up several times in 'wait for a few minutes..'I changed to v3.2.21-1 as recommended from searching the answer from web. It installed very quick and fast as I installed one year ago.

Peter ChenPeter Chen

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged mongodb or ask your own question.

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