Install Libusb Compat Ubuntu Server

Posted on  by  admin
  1. Linux Libusb




If Domoticz and the browser are running on the same system you can connect with http://localhost:8080/To stop the application: press Ctrl-C in the application screen (not in the browser)

Setup the PS3 Bluetooth Controller on Ubuntu. Install the libusb. Invalid operation bluez-compat but i used synaptic package manager to install bluez-compat. The long-term support version of Ubuntu Server, including the Queens release of OpenStack and support guaranteed until April 2023 — 64-bit only. This release uses our new installer, Subiquity. Installation instructions for Ubuntu Server; Installation instructions for Ubuntu OpenStack ›.

Compatible browsers:

  • Chrome/Firefox/Safari...
  • Internet Explorer version 10+

Be aware that a Raspberry pi receives its time from an online ntp server.If the pi is not connected to a network, the device time will not be updated, resulting in scheduling issues.

All ports below 1024 on linux systems can only be started by root.If you run domoticz on port 80, make sure to run it as root, e.g. : sudo ./domoticz

Compiling from source code:

First get get all prerequisites for your operation system. See the section below.

Then get the source code:

Now you should have the binary application, you can start it with./domoticz

For additional parameters type:./domoticz -h

Note: Compiling on the Raspberry Pi will take about 15 minutes

To Update to a newer version:

  • stop the application (control-c), or stop the startup script (see below) with /etc/init.d/ stop

(from the domoticz folder)

Unix startup script:To start Domoticz automatically when the system starts perform the following steps:

Edit the startup script and point the DEAMON location to point to the installation folder:

If you want to use another web interface port change:OPTIONS='-www 8080'

You can now start domoticz with:sudo /etc/init.d/ start

To stop:sudo /etc/init.d/ stop

To check if domoticz is running:sudo /etc/init.d/ status

If your system supports it you can also do

To update when you have installed it as startup service:

Option: Create an update and backup scriptchmod +x updatedomo

To update domoticz

  • login to your Raspberry Pi



All: (Assuming domoticz development is in a subfolder of the user)

cd ~

OpenZWave support

If you need support for Open-ZWave (for example if you want to use an Aeon USB V2 zwave adapter),you need to compile open zwave

  • Compile OpenZWave ( non-darwin install libudev-dev (sudo apt-get install libudev-dev)

Tellstick support

If you need support for Tellstick or Tellstic Duo ( you need to install telldus-core before compileing.On systems with apt package manger (like ubuntu and Raspbian) telldus-core can be installed by doing the following:

  • Add deb stable main to the file /etc/apt/sources.list
  • Run

* Darwin (Mac) There is a problem in the MakeFile, change the DEBUG/RELEASE defines with: DEBUG_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-inline -Werror -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-private-field -Wno-format -g -DDEBUG -DLOG_STDERR -fPIC RELEASE_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Werror -Wno-self-assign -Wno-unused-private-field -Wno-format -O3 -DNDEBUG -fPIC Also you need to add the following at the top of the files ../../src/platform/unix/LogImpl.cpp and ../../src/platform/unix/SerialControllerImpl.cpp #include <pthread.h>



  • You need Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition is OK)
  • The project file for Visual Studio can be found inside the 'msbuild' folder
  • You need to download WindowsLibraries.7z from unpack the archive inside the 'msbuild' folder.

Ubuntu / Raspberry Pi (wheezy)

Raspberry Pi (wheezy, 22 November 2012): (First time compile time: 25 minutes)At this moment (First generation RPi (128MB) (And possible the last generation too), there is a issue with the FTDI drivers (USB).A quick fix it to add the following in front of /boot/cmdline.txtdwc_otg.speed=1This will cause the USB to switch back to version 1.1, but also the network speed is reduced a lot! (not that i want to use 80mbps)When using the Arch Linux image, it looks like you do not have to apply the above fix.

Raspberry Pi (Arch Linux)

sudo pacman -S gcc cmake subversion boost sqlite make curl libusb libudev-dev

Debian (Mac OS)

OS X installation:

You need

Linux Libusb

  • XCode with Command Line Tools
  • macports or homebrew


(Initial setup time is 30 minutes, DSM 5.1+/tested with 212+)]Please see Wiki page at:

I need the package libusb for another package I am installing.

I tried the following which seemed to install the package,

but when I try to install the other package I get,

When I run the command dpkg -L libusb-dev, I get:

Any ideas??


2 Answers

You need to install libusb-1.0-0-dev

To install the package

To find out the dependency of the package use the command apt-cache search libusb-1.0

Here is the output of the command

Hope this helps


You need to download the package libusb-1.0-0-dev, the new libusbx fork.

Daniele NapolitanoDaniele Napolitano

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