Xampp Control Panel V3.0.12

I want to setup a localhost server using XAMPP v3.0.12.But apache won't start.Earlier I got the error message 'port 80 or 443 ssl already in use installing apache2.2 service failed'..I found out that skype was using port 80. I fixed it and reinstalled XAMPP.This time I didn't get any error message..but still Apache won't start,,I tried to start Apache from the xampp control panel but it just won't start.
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2 Answers
Xampp for windows free download - Windows 10, XAMPP, XAMPP, and many more programs.
Try starting apache by running xampp/apache_start.bat
file and it will print you what the error is.
1) Reinstall Xampp. How to make a bootable windows xp install usb. Vray sketchup plugin.
2) Start Xampp.
3) Click on 'Config' button for Apache.
4) Click on 'Apache(httpd.confg).
5) Find '80' and replace it with '8080' and save.
6) Again click on 'Config' button for Apache.

7) Click on 'Apache(httpd-ssl.confg).
8) Find '443' and replace it with '4433' and save.
9) Now Start Apache.`
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How To Configure Xampp Control Panel V3.2.1
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From Apache Friends: XAMPP helps you create and develop your own applications using Web server technologies.Many people know from their own experience that it's not easy to install an Apache web server and it gets harder if you want to add MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use just download, extract, and start.
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