Dragon Age Origins Dlc Unauthorized Crack

Posted on  by  admin

Can somebody who has installed Dragon Age Origins be any help to me? Be sure to look for an obvious crack folder and copy its contents to the install folder.

Posted by5 years ago

Suggestions about 'unauthorized' DLC

So I'm currently in the middle of my first DA origins playthrough but I want the DLC. I originally bought the Ultimate edition which comes with the awakening and various other DLC. I installed it all and bought the wardens keep DLC and all but the Awakening DLC is 'unauthorized' and I cant use it even though its installed in my computer. Does anyone know how to fix this its really aggravating that I bought all of this and can't use it.

71% Upvoted

You know, when I get home after a long day at work, one of my favorite pastimes is to go online and kill some fucking pixels and treat them as if they were my problems at work. It is cathartic and calming and a great way to end the day. Doubly so today, I was telling a friend of mine how great Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is, sent him a copy via steam and got ready to demonstrate it at my place on my system.
Now the 'save password' function on my game never works, so when it failed this time, I simply deleted the asterisks and put in my password. No joy. I thought I must have changed the password, so I went through my password litany, reciting the 9 billion names of God and punching them in one by one. Soon the EA defense grid activated and nuked any further attempts at doing so, declaring that I had attempted to log in too many times incorrectly. Every other company uses captchas and provides a helpful link to their password reset system, but EA? Nope, Simply a FUCK YOU, YOU ARE SHUT DOWN, MOVE ALONG CITIZEN!
So I close the game while muttering imprecations about idiotic login requirements that weren't necessary 'back in the day', go to the BC2 webpage, punch in an arbitrary date into the idiot box that asks how old I am (we can make a fucking 'do not track' option in a browser, but you can't put in a hoe-tze duh pee-goo age variable to bypass the age gates? HEY DEVELOPERS, GUESS WHICH ITEM PISSES ME OFF MORE?!) and get to my username/password box, and I click the 'forgot password' link. Well, in reality I waited 30 seconds on each page because the pages are so overloaded in gos se that loading the pages quickly just isn't an option.
But hey, I get the password reset email and... wait, what?

We recently learned that hackers gained unauthorized access to the decade-old BioWare server system supporting the Neverwinter Nights forums. We immediately took appropriate steps to protect our consumers’ data and launched a thorough ongoing evaluation of the breach. We have determined that no credit card data was compromised from the servers, nor did we ever have or store sensitive data like social security numbers. Our investigation shows that information such as user names, encrypted passwords, email addresses, mailing addresses, names, phone numbers, CD keys and birth dates from these forum accounts on the system may have been compromised, as well as other information (if any) that you may have associated with your EA Account. In an abundance of caution, we have changed your password to ensure account security.

Bold mine.
Well, now I know what happened, so I go to my new password reset email and reset my password. That was easy, Cthulhu be praised!
I load back into BC2 and... still locked out.
I reset my password, and I'm still locked out. Wait, what? Who the hell designed this security system that is intentionally designed to get the legitimate userbase completely jarateed?
I rage, go to the closet next to the computer, grab a sword, disassemble it, clean it, oil it, and put it back. I then follow suit with three shorter blades. I go outside and gather 3 buckets of weeds and throw them into the weed compost stack, much to my girlfriend's happiness.
I return to the digital world, having locked up the sharp pointy objects, the projectile objects, and the projectile firing objects in my household. I pour myself a snifter of Irish Mist and prepare for what is to come.
I go to the EA support website. The flashbacks I get remind me of F.E.A.R., with the corridor filling with a sea of blood, the blinding lights in the eyes, the look of dispair, rage, and anger...

Best Dragon Age Origins Dlc

Ahem. Sorry. Got a bit carried away.
So I'm on the support website and look for a button that says 'chat.'
Nowhere. Not a single place is there a quick button for chat support.
Well, I first punch in my error message into the EA self help, and get no results with an exact paste of the error code. I then search for 'chat.'

Dragon Age Origins Dlc Walkthrough

I then get a link to the chat site. This is the only company in existence that has to put in their FAQ how to get to the chat site because every other company puts the link either on the front page or on a pop up window when you visit!
So I click the link, get into the queue, and begin my descent into madness, into the utter depths of hell.
(my account name changed to my Ars name)
'Bradley' has joined the chat.
Bradley: Are you there?
Major General Thanatos: Hi, I need to get my account unlocked on battlefield, BC2.
Major General Thanatos: I changed the password online, but I still cannot enter the game.
Bradley: Okay
Bradley: Please let me know the issue with the BF BC 2?
Major General Thanatos: When attempting to login, the following error appears: 'too many login attempts have been done using an invalid password'
Bradley: Please let me know the code for BF BC 2 and the platform?
Major General Thanatos: PC platform.
Major General Thanatos: What code?
Bradley: The code with which the game is registered?
Major General Thanatos: [redacted CD key]
Bradley: Thank you for providing me the information. Please stay online while I look into your issue.[ten minute wait]
Bradley: Thanks for wait
Bradley: Can you please confirm knowing the date of birth and the credit card l;ast four digits so that I may send you the reset password link for the game?[WTF?]
Major General Thanatos: No. I never provided that information to EA, having purchased the game via steam. Let me reiterate: I can login to the EA website. I can change my password. I cannot login to the game specifically.
Bradley: Okay. Do you get 'too many login attempts have been done using an invalid password' ?
Major General Thanatos: Yes.
Major General Thanatos: Which means you need to unlock the account.
Major General Thanatos: not reset the password, I just did that.
Bradley: I need to provide you the reset password link once you verify the password.
Bradley: Please confirm the details and also let me know the soldier name?
Major General Thanatos: Please transfer me to your supervisor.
Bradley: In order to assist you further, I will need to escalate your issue to our Tier 2 chat support team. This may take a few moments as the agent reviews the incident history to better assist you.
Bradley: May I forward the issue?
Major General Thanatos: yes.
Bradley: Thanks for the cooperation. Please stay connected.
'Bradley' disconnected ('Transferred to Queue').
Dragon age origins dlc walkthrough
Just as before. The shitty canned responses, the offer to give me the password reset link listed on their website after disclosing all of my personal information they never had in the first place with which to verify, and now, a 45 minute wait to get into the escalations queue. Joy.
My friend bails as it is clear no pixelated killology or murdernometry will occur tonight, he is dismayed at EA for asking me to verify my identity with information they know to be compromised, and probably thinks that when the supervisor fails to deliver I'll grab the arsenal and go postal (readers, take note, I reserve going postal for very special sanctioned occasions only. This isn't one of them.)
I crack open a book, an old favorite, The Star Beast, by Heinlein. A relatively short book, and I got to Mr. Kiku negotiating for the non-destruction of earth when suddenly
Hi, my name is Courtney H.. How may I help you?
Courtney H.: Please give me a moment while I review the Chat Log so that I can understand exactly what the issue you are having is today and the troubleshooting steps that have already been done. Your time is very valuable to me and I do not want to waste it by doing troubleshooting steps we have already followed through with. Please take note of the following Chat ID: [redacted]. This will be very important if you happen to get disconnected anytime during this chat or need to refer back to this same issue. You can always get back in contact with Live Chat and give the next Agent your ID so you do not need to re-explain anything.
Courtney H.: I understand you're requesting to unlock your Battlefield Bad Company 2 account correct?
Major General Thanatos: yes.
Major General Thanatos: The previous rep began asking me for private information EA did not have access to and therefore was not necessary to unlock the account: Username, credit card number, DOB, etc.
Major General Thanatos: I have the full capability of changing my password. I simply need the account unlocked.
Courtney H.: What account is this that is locked?
Major General Thanatos: the BF:BC2 account tied to this email address.
Courtney H.: One moment please
Courtney H.: Can you provide me your Battlefield screen name?
Major General Thanatos: [redacted]
Courtney H.: It remains active on the account
Courtney H.: Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to reset the password attempts
Major General Thanatos: Ok... then what do I do?
Major General Thanatos: and why isn't that reset with the password when I reset it like every other password reset mechanic in existence?
Courtney H.: I believe you will have to be patient and wait for the warning to disperse
Courtney H.: Are you still there?
Major General Thanatos: yes
Major General Thanatos: what is the wait time?
Major General Thanatos: Forum posts have indicated this has lasted as long as 3 days for some users.
Major General Thanatos: That is not acceptable.
Courtney H.: It usually takes 24 to 48 hours
Courtney H.: It's for the security of the account
Major General Thanatos: Security? You changed my password because your servers were compromised. I use my password to try and get in and lock myself out because I was not aware of this. This is not for the security of the account any more than verifying my information that you claim was leaked was for the security of my account.
Courtney H.: I apologize for the inconvenience but there isn't anything I can do for this matter
Courtney H.: Do you have any technical issues I may assist you with?
Major General Thanatos: If I had a problem back with World of Warcraft, I could get it resolved instantly. If I have this problem with steam, I could get it resolved instantly, so when I send this transcript to tech websites as a review of EA/Origin, it will declare that EA/Origin cannot get it resolved. Is that what you want?
Major General Thanatos: And if you knew that a lockout was not something you could fix, can you explain why you demanded all my personal information twice for something that should be on a general FAQ that you do not support unlocking accounts?
Major General Thanatos: Even my bank can get access instantly fixed after an account lockout.
Courtney H.: As I recall I did not ask for any personal information and I'm sorry that you feel this way, I have informed you of my limited ability and if you do not have any technical issues I can assist you with I will have to disconnect the chat
Major General Thanatos: Why did the frontline rep ask for my personal information and why did you ask for my username on the game if it was of no relevance to the problem?
Courtney H.: I cannot speak for the agent but anyone can see your user name so I am not putting you at risk
Courtney H.: I asked for the user name so I could make sure everything was okay with your account
Major General Thanatos: Clearly, it is not. If you have an error message and you are aware it is beyond your means to fix, how is that relevant?
Courtney H.: I apologize for wanting to assist you, clearly that is not what you want
Major General Thanatos: But rather than beating the dead horse, how about you fix a different problem for me. After EA/Bioware did their merger thing, I no longer have access to my NWN or NWN2 CD keys. Can you get those emailed to me?
Courtney H.: Now if you don't have any technical issues I will disconnect the chat at this time
Courtney H.: Have a great day

Way to go, EA. You ruined my evening, scared off a potential player, put my personal information at risk through incompetence and then asked to verify me based on leaked data, ask me in a drone-like manner if there is anything else you can assist me with, and when I say yes, you can!Origins you blow me off rather than take the opportunity to redeem yourself in any way.
EA, you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that customer service is beyond you. My advice, outsource it. There are several companies in the USA that can provide decent chat support for a decent price. I've had the opportunity to review and/or work for several and can even point you in the right direction. Because the above? That is NOT customer service.
There are two ways of getting advertising in this world, marketing, and service. Service will get you that priceless word of mouth advertising you need, and it is what you are getting right now, just not in the way you would want to have it.
Know this, EA. Until I have a good customer service experience with you, I will never use the Origin Store. I will buy your games when they are $20 or less. I will actively seek to give money to anyone that is in competition with you first at every level.
Also EA, you know what you neglect from your chat transcripts? Fucking time stamps! Add them to your list of shit to fix!
P.S. Dear Steam. If you choose to start a chat support line, heed the lessons of history and don't pull an EA.
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